Expo Milano M & R Tours 1

 M&R Tours se enorgullece en comprometerse con la difusión y promoción del evento cultural más importante del 2015: la Expo Milano. El tema elegido es “nutrir el planeta, energía para la vida”, una oda a la sustentabilidad y a la búsqueda de un estilo de vida en armonía con la naturaleza de nuestro planeta.Por tal motivo, la Expo Milano 2015 es mucho más que una mera exposición, más bien un proceso participativo que pretende involucrar a actores institucionales y simples ciudadanos en un tema fundamental para el futuro de todos.

Más de 140 países participarán de este evento, en un área expositiva de un millón de metros cuadrados, con una cifra estimada en veinte millones de visitantes. Elemento esencial de la feria serán las decenas de pabellones representantes de los países participantes, los cuales serán caracterizados por uno estilo único e innovador, por una arquitectura moderna y ecológica inspirada en los profundos valores de la sustentabilidad y de la interrelación entre el hombre y la naturaleza.

El tema de la sustentabilidad se encuentra estrechamente ligado a la cultura y al espíritu de Italia, cuya tradición culinaria y riqueza histórica representan el marco ideal para quienes decidan vivir esta experiencia única!
La ciudad de Milán, considerada por muchos como la capital de la moda y el diseño, orientará parte de su temática al mundo de la gastronomía.Su estratégica ubicación significará nuestro punto de partida para aventurarnos y recorrer, a partir de allí, algunos de los lugares más valiosos y fantásticos de la península italiana. Las facilidades que nos ofrece Milán, y la belleza incomparable de Italia, hacen de este país uno de los destinos más atractivos para visitar durante el año 2015.
M&R Tours quiere invitar a aquellos que tengan el deseo de vivir junto a nosotros una experiencia absolutamente diferente en la Expo y de entrar en contacto con un patrimonio artístico y cultural incomparable, así como descubrir el encanto de la increíble belleza natural y la hospitalidad entrañable de la gente de Italia.

Acompáñenos!  Vea el video de presentacion haciendo click aca

Expo Milano M & R Tours 1 DIA 01: MILANExpo Milano M & R Tours 2

Arribo al aeropuerto de Milán y traslado al Hotel.

Tiempo libre para una primera exploración de la ciudad.

Cena y Alojamiento en el Hotel.


Desayuno en el Hotel
Traslado privado para Visitar la EXPO MILAN 2015.

Desde el 1° de Mayo al 31 de Octubre del 2015 se realizará la Expo Milano M & R Tours 3Exposición Universal de Milán 2015. Bajo el tema ”Alimentar el planeta, energía para la vida” descubre la Expo 2015, la manifestación en la que más de 140 naciones de todo el mundo exponen tradiciones, creatividad y espíritu de innovación. La elección de la capital de la Lombardía como protagonista de una manifestación de tal importancia se explica por la central ubicación en el contexto europeo de Milán, la eficiencia de las infraestructuras y de los servicios existentes, la calidad de la propuesta proyectual elaborada por el comité italiano, pero también por la notoriedad de la que goza la ciudad a nivel mundial.
Cena y Alojamiento en el Hotel.

Luego del desayuno en el hotel, salida en excursión hacia Como.
El Lago de Como es el tercer lago más grande de Europa y está rodeado
por un escenario alpExpo Milano M & R Tours 4ino impresionante y por pueblos hermosos. El templado clima Mediterráneo asegura una gran abundancia de plantas exóticas y raras durante todo el año.

Llegando al pueblo de Bellagio, una de las localidades más famosas del lago, es posible seguir los callejones empinados que suben del lago y hacer una parada para un café o un helado en una de las animadas cafeterías hospedadas en los grandes edificios históricos.

Almuerzo ligero en base a productos típicos de la zona.

Regreso a Milán por la tarde.

Cena y Alojamiento en el Hotel.

Desayuno en el Hotel

Expo MIlano M & R Tours 5

Visita guiada de la ciudad de Milán.
Esta mañana nos asombraremos con la Última Cena de Leonardo da Vinci. Luego visitaremos el Museo y Teatro de la Scala. La suntuosa galería Vittorio Emanuele, afamada por sus exclusivas boutiques y bares y el espectacular Duomo gótico, cuyo imponente perfil es un símbolo digno de esta ciudad, incluye un ascenso a las terrazas del Duomo, desde donde se aprecia una vista inigualable de toda la ciudad!
Aperitivo en la zona del Corso Como, una experiencia muy milanesa.
A la tarde regresamos al Hotel.
Cena y Alojamiento en Hotel.

Desayuno en el Hotel.

Expo Milano M & R Tours 6
Traslado a la estación de trenes de Milán para abordar tren con destino a Venecia.
Llegada a Venecia y visita de la ciudad.

¿Qué ver en Venecia? “Perderse por sus estrechas calles y canales es la mejor forma de conocer lo más bonito de la ciudad”.

Moverse por Venecia puede resultar una experiencia curiosa, pues los autobuses y los taxis son barcos. Los vaporetti, traghetti, acua-taxis y góndolas están a toda hora a disposición del visitante. Sin embargo, lo más común en Venecia es recorrerla a pie, y perderse… pues de nada nos servirán los mapas en sus complicadas calles…

Admiraremos El Gran Canal, la Piazza San Marco,
la Basilica de San Marco, el puente de Rialto
, etc.Expo Milano M & R Tours 7

Por la tarde regresaremos en tren hasta Treviso donde nos estarán esperando para llevarnos a nuestro hotel.
Cena y alojamiento en Hotel Relais Monaco (Ponzano, Treviso)

Desayuno en el Hotel.
Traslado a Treviso y visita de la ciudad.
Treviso, piccola Venecia o ciudad “cortés” como la llamaban los poetas. Tranquila, limpísima, encantadora! Corazón de la ciudad y lugar de encuentro de los trevigiani es la Piazza dei Signori con su Palazzo dei Trecento y la elegante Loggia dei Cavalieri.

Los ríos Sile y Cagnan se insinuan entre las calles de la ciudad y donan
un atractivo único al casco antiguo, encerrado por antiquísimos muros.
Los pórticos de las casas asomados sobre el canal de los Buranelli yExpo Milano M & R Tours 8
la isla della Pescheria (levantada sobre el río Cagnan para alojar
el mercado del pescado), dan cuenta de la estrecha unión de Treviso con sus aguas.

Veremos el Duomo, recorreremos sus estrechas callecitas sin prisa siguiendo los cursos de agua y, si el tiempo alcanza, nos sentaremos a tomar un típico “prosecco” en uno de sus cafés (no incluído en el precio).
Por la tarde, clase de cocina en el Hotel Relais Monaco, acompañados del chef Domenico (medalla de Plata de la Copa
de Pastelería Mundial de Lyon, Francia),con productos típicos de la
región trevigiana.

Cena y alojamiento en Hotel Relais Monaco (Ponzano, Treviso)Expo Milano M & R Tours 10

Desayuno en el Hotel.
Traslado a la ciudad de Bologna.
Llegada a Bologna y traslado al hotel.

Por la tarde visitaremos la ciudad.
Bologna, situada en el  norte del país, es una de las ciudades históricas mejor conservadas de Europa. De hecho, cuenta con el segundo casco antiguo medieval más grande del viejo continente (después del de Venecia).

Al ser una ciudad que se mantiene dentro de unos márgenes aceptables en cuanto a su tamaño (tiene menos de 400.000 habitantes) y disponer de un centro histórico bien demarcado resulta ideal, partiendo de la Plaza Mayor que está en el centro geográfico, recorrer de manera radial las calles principales de la ciudad.

Recorreremos el área del mercado medieval, la plaza Maggiore, la plaza Mayor y la fuente delExpo Milano M & R Tours 12 dios Nettuno, Iglesia de San Domingo, El Archiginnasio, que es uno de los palacios más importantes de la ciudad de Bologna: otrora sede de la antigua Universidad, hoy sede de la Biblioteca Comunal del Archiginnasio.

Finalizada la visita, traslado al Agriturismo Fattoria Corte Roeli. Seremos recibidos por sus
dueños, quienes nos deleitarán con una típica cena bolognese. Imperdible!!

Regreso a Bologna y alojamiento en hotel.

Desayuno en el Hotel.
Salida a la mañana temprano para una experiencia eno-gastronómico cultural intensa!

En primer lugar visitaremos un caseificio di Parmigiano Reggiano
(fábrica de queso parmesano con producción completa).Expo Milano M & R Tours 13

Nos dirigiremos a una lechera de queso parmesano, en donde nos
explicarán el paso a paso de la fabricación de este delicioso producto. Al finalizar, degustación de queso!!
Luego, continuaremos hacia la Acetaia Leonardi. Aprenderemos un poco más sobre este famoso vinagre: su tiempo de maduración, la cantidad de trasvases, la calidad de la madera de los toneles, el clima necesario para obtener el mejor aceto, etc. Probaremos distintos acetos de diferentes cosechas y al finalizar la visita disfrutaremos de una abundante degustación de quesos, fiambres, acetos y vino!!!

A las 14:30 completaremos nuestra experiencia eno-gastronómica cultural
dirigiéndonos hacia la zona del Lambrusco, famoso vino italiano que
se produce en la Emiliga Romagna y en Lombardía. Visitaremos una
bodega y por supuesto degustaremos el tan preciado vino!

Expo Milano M & R Tours 14

Regreso a Bologna y alojamiento en hotel.

Desayuno en el hotel.
Traslado a la estación de tren de Bologna para tomar tren de alta velocidad con destino a Florencia.

Arribo a Florencia y traslado al hotel.

Encantadora Florencia, cuna del Renacimiento:

…la recorre una melodía de agua
Aterciopelada y hecha sutil por la hierba,
que desciende en el alma

Expo Milano M & R Tours 15como una purificación
y le da la ilusión de revivir días

 Visita de la ciudad.
Entre otras de sus maravillas, veremos la Piazza del Duomo
(una de las más hermosas del mundo!), la Piazza della Signoria,
el Ponte Vecchio, Santa Croce
, etc).

Cena en restaurante local a base de comida toscana.

Alojamiento en Florencia.

Desayuno en el hotel.
Comenzamos el día visitando la Galería de la Academia (Galleria
dell’Accademia) uno de los museos emblemáticos de Florencia,Expo Milano M & R Tours 16
dedicado a escultura y pintura. La Academia de Bellas Artes fue fundada
en 1563. La colección se formó en 1784 para ofrecer a los estudiantes
de dibujo material de estudio. En 1873 se trasladó la estatua de
David desde la Plaza de la Señoría hasta la Academia.

La primera sala tiene obras de los siglos XV y XVI y, en el centro,
la terracota de Juan de Bolonia, modelo del Rapto de las sabinas que se
alberga en la loggia de la Signoría. En esta terracota se aprecia bien el
bello movimiento helicoidal que dio Juan de Bolonia a esta composición

Luego se pasa a la galería de Miguel Ángel. Ahí se encuentran cuatro
prisioneros (prigioni) esculpidos entre 1521 y 1523 y destinados a laExpo Milano M & R Tours 17
tumba de Julio II. Las obras, sin terminar, sorprenden al visitante, porque
de la piedra pesada parecen intentar salir, hercúleas, las figuras
inacabadas. Un esbozo de San Mateo y una Pietá, también inacabada
(y con obra de algún otro artista también) preceden al gigantesco David.

Luego nos encontraremos con el chofer y la guía
para descubrir
Lucca & Pisa.

En Lucca -ciudad renombrada por sus murallas con majestuosas verjas
y arquitrabes- nuestra acompañante nos llevará hacia el magnífico casco antiguo para admirar, por ejemplo, la “Plaza del Anfiteatro”,
la “Torre Guinigi”, la “Catedral de San Martino” y, por fin, la pintoresca
calle de sus tiendas tradicionales.Expo Milano M & R Tours 18

Siguiendo hacia Pisa nos dirigiremos a su bellísima “Piazza dei Miracoli”,
para deleitarnos con el “Baptisterio” y con su “Torre Pendiente”,
además de visitar otros importantes sitios culturales, como la Catedral,
por ejemplo.

Terminado el recorrido, volveremos a Florencia por la tarde.

Cena y alojamiento en Florencia.

Desayuno en el hotel.


Desplazándonos hacia el sur desde Florencia y atraversando las sugestivas Colinas del Chianti, alcanzaremos San Gimignano, un fascinante pueblo medieval declarado por la UNESCO patrimonio de la humanidad y conocido también por su vino blanco llamado “Vernaccia”.

Visitaremos, en camino, una hacienda productora de aceite de oliva y al finalizar, por supuesto, degustaremos sus mejores aceites!

Nuestra excursión seguirá hacia Siena, la ciudad medieval conocida por
su característica arquitectura gótica civil ejemplificada en el palacio
público con la Torre del Mangia, situado en la sugestiva Plaza del
. Continuaremos la visita en una de las iglesias italianas de éstilo
románico–gótico más admiradas, el Duomo.

Expo Milano M & R Tours 22

Regreso a Florencia.

Cena y alojamiento en Florencia. 

Desayuno en el hotel.

Luego del check out traslado privado hacia Roma.

En el camino, nos detendremos en Perugia, famosa entre otras cosas, por la producción de magnífico chocolate.

Conoceremos Dulcinea Perugia, un establecimiento que confecciona chocolate artesanal y, al finalizar la visita,
degustaremos OBLIGATORIAMENTE, el chocolate que producen!!

Continuaremos hacia Roma, capital de Italia y una de las ciudades
más sugestivas del mundo.Expo Milano M & R Tours 23

Tiempo para sistemar el equipaje en el hotel y para un primer encuentro con la ciudad.
Cena y alojamiento en Roma.

Desayuno en el hotel.

Comenzando el día llegaremos a Plaza Venecia, donde se yergue el imponente “Victoriano”. Con el Capitolio empieza la visita de este tesoro de arte y de historia y del Foro Romano, el área arqueológica más encantadora e importante del mundo; la vista sobre ella desde la colina capitolina o desde el Arco de Tito nos dejará sin aliento.

Se llegará asi frente al Coliseo, símbolo majestuoso de la Ciudad eterna,
y el Arco de Costantino.

Expo Milano M & R Tours 24

Visitaremos la Basílica de San Pietro in Vincoli, un templo diferente a los demás por su sencillez y su escasa decoración. Bajo el Altar Mayor se encuentra el relicario en el que se guardan las cadenas de San Pedro, el elemento que da nombre a la iglesia. Otro de los principales atractivos de la basílica es el mausoleo del Papa Julio II, compuesto por una impresionante estatua de Moisés realizada por Miguel Ángel entre los años 1505 y 1515.

El tour continúa con la visita de la Basílica de San Pablo extra Muros, que surgió sobre la tumba del Apóstol de todas las gentes.

Para finalizar, visitaremos Eataly, el megastore de la enogastronomía de calidad, que hoy cuenta con numerosas sedes
en Italia y en el resto del mundo. 17.000 metros cuadrados, cuatro plantas,
14.000 productos, más de 20 restaurantes, obradores de pan,
pasta y ‘mozzarella’ a la vista del público, una librería y hasta una
agencia de viajes. Bajo este formato de negocio, Eataly Roma es el
mayor centro comercial de comida italiana gourmet abierto en losExpo Milano M & R Tours 26
últimos cinco años en Italia, Japón y Estados Unidos.

Cena y Alojamiento en Roma.

Desayuno en el hotel.
Clase de cocina + Visita de la Roma Monumental y Roma Antigua.

Por la mañana nos dirigiremos al mercado de Campo dei Fiori, una explosión de colores, perfumes y alegría! Después de haber conocido los mejores ingredientes disponibles nos dirigiremos a la cocina y
prepararemos con ellos un delicioso plato romano!Luego del almuerzo
recorreremos Via Veneto, famosa por la película La Dolce Vita de Fellini
y por la Plaza de la República con su Fuente de las Náyades. Con la visitaExpo Milano M & R Tours 27
de la Fontana di Trevi inicia el paseo por el centro histórico que
nos llevará hasta Piazza Navona, siempre animadísima y pintoresca,
con la famosa Fuente de los Cuatro Ríos, obra maestra del artista Bernini. A lo largo del recorrido podremos admirar Plaza Colonna con la imponente columna de Marco Aurelio, y el Pantheon construido en el primer siglo A.C., cuya cúpula, erigida por el Emperador Adriano, es la más ancha del mundo.

Seguiremos a La Plaza de España situada en una de las mejores zonas de Roma: la Via dei Condotti (famosa calle para ir de compras), la Via Frattina y la Via del Babuino (con varios palacios del siglo XVII y XVIII), algunas de las calles más destacadas de la ciudad.
Regreso al hotel.
Cena y alojamiento en Roma.

Desayuno en el hotel.Expo Milano M & R Tours 21

Luego del check out, nos dirigiremos hacia el Vaticano, centro de la cristiandad, pasando por el majestuoso Castillo S. Angelo. Visita de la Plaza y la Basílica de San Pedro en donde, entre otras cosas, admiraremos la Piedad de Miguel Ángel.
Visita de los Museos Vaticanos incluyendo la Capilla Sixtina, uno de los mayores tesoros del Vaticano, de Roma y del mundo en general. Nos emocionaremos contemplando los magníficos frescos del Divino Miguel Angel Buonarroti.

Regresaremos por la tarde al hotel, recogeremos nuestro equipaje
y podremos cambiarnos de ropa para viajar más cómodos.
En tal sentido, estarán reservadas dos habitaciones exclusivamente
para el grupo.

Traslado al aeropuerto para tomar el vuelo de regreso a Buenos Aires.

 Algunos Hoteles Considerados:

MILAN: Hotel EXCEL MILANO **** o similar
TREVISO:Hotel Relais Monaco **** o similar
BOLOGNA:Hotel TRE VECCHI **** o similar
FIRENZE:Hotel LAURUS AL DUOMO **** o similar
ROMA:Hotel BARBERINI **** o similar

Expo Milano M & R Tours 28


Contactenos por precio, fecha de salida  y disponibilidad  marisabergamasco@m-rtours.com
Telefono: (5411) 4951 5968 – Celular (54911) 65017480


Bariloche, Argentina

Bariloche, Located in Argentina Patagonia this small city is well known for its architectural beauty -resembles a Swiss village with its wooden facades – and for its privileged location, a region surrounded by landscape of hills, evergreen forests, snowcapped peaks, lakes, glaciers and exuberant flora.
The city extends over several miles on the shores of Nahuel Huapi Lake. The Bustillo Avenue runs along these miles and reaches the Peninsula, where the imposing Llao Llao Hotel is located, and also Puerto Pañuelos, departing point from excursions to Victoria Island and other charming places of the Nahuel Huapi Lake. 

Crossing of the Lakes or Lake Crossing
This is an excursion not to be missed and the best part is that it is available all year round.
The starting point is Puerto Frías, located at one of the ends of the lake of the same name. All customs proceedings are carried out there in order to cross to the neighboring country. The vegetation becomes lush, typical of the Valdivian rainforest. This environment, very similar to the subtropical sceneries, has a high rainfall regime encouraging the development of great tree groves such as larches, cypress, oaks and cinnamon trees, to name but a few.
After sailing for nearly 4 kilometers, you will reach the border through the Pérez Rosales Pass. The first Chilean district is Peulla, located 28 kilometers from this pass.

The way is impressive by the leafy evergreen vegetation with wild colorful flowers and giant trees sometimes hiding the sky and not allowing sunshine to come through; it is a real forest worth to know it. Peulla is a small settlement with a little more than 800 inhabitants which, as well as a customs post, offers hotels and restaurant services.

Very close to this district lies Peulla Port, where the lake circuit is resumed, and this time towards Lake Todos los Santos or Lake Esmeralda.
Here again you will be surprised by the exuberant vegetation of its coasts and the green emerald color of its waters, the presence of the Puntiagudo Volcano of 2493 ms with their snowcapped peaks, the Mount Techado, the Margarita Island and the snows of the hills surrounding the lake. At the end of the tour, 2,652-meter-high Osorno Vocano may also be made out.
Petrohué is the arrival port of the excursion and the seat for the administrative venue of the Vicente Pérez Rosales National Park. From there you will start the Petrohué River falls tour, a great attraction place due to the wonderful seven water falls of the River emptying into the Todos los Santos Lake.
A few kilometers away from the Petrohué falls, stands Ensenada, a small district resting on the slopes of the Osorno Volcano which offers lodges, restaurants and several sport activities. From here you will continue by the asphalted route and with a landscape of great beauty, you will arrive at Lago Llanquihue. At your right, you will enjoy the green fields, typical wood constructions and agricultural-cattle establishments, in these astonished 64 km to the city of Puerto VarasThe beaches surrounded by the vegetation of this area complete the beautiful panoramic sight on the other side of the mountain range.

San Martín de los Andes – Road of the Seven Lakes
This full day excursion leaves Bariloche northwards along National Route 237, for 21 km until you meet secondary route F. This is a winding road, with natural beauty all around. You go past Manzano Port and arrive in Villa La Angostura. Once you left the village behind, you will be on the Seven Lakes Roadthese lakes are: Correntoso, Espejo, Villarino, Falkner, Hermoso, Machónico, and Meliquina. Finally, you arrive in San Martín de los Andes on the shores of Lácar Lake. The return trip to Bariloche can be through Paso Córdoba or along National Route 40 via Junín de los Andes and La  Rinconada.

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Contact us for conditions, price & availability

info@m-rtours.com or  54 11 49515968


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Teatro Colon (Colon Theatre) Buenos Aires

The theater opened on May 25, 1908, the Día de la patria (Motherland Day) in Argentina, with a performance of Verdi’s Aida. It quickly became a world-famous operatic venue rivaling La Scala and the Metropolitan Opera in attracting artists.


With excellent acoustics and modern stage areas, the theater’s interior design features a rich scarlet and gold decor. The cupola contains frescoes painted in 1966 by the renowned 20th century artist Raul Soldi.

Ever since the staging of Aída, various figures performed on this prodigious stage. Dance and ballet artists played their roles here and not only did they leave a long-lasting mark but also found in most cases the top roof of their careers thanks to the theater. Celebrities like Arturo Toscanini, Enrico Caruso and Titta Rufo, Richard Strauss and Arthur Nikisch, Lily Pons, Igor Stravinsky, María Callas and Maia Plissetskaya, to name a few, have accounted for what the Colón represented.

Luciano Pavarotti, considered by many as the greatest tenor in history, said about the theater: “…it has a very big defect, its acoustic is simply perfect. Imagine what that means for a singer: if one makes a mistake, it is noticed immediately …”

Plácido Domingo, another great tenor of the XX century, reviewed: “…what has impressed me most about the Colón Theater has always been its orchestra and its choir, as well as the wonderful workshops that work out any problem in a matter of minutes. The Colón is a marvelous theater, I would say it cannot be compared to any other theater in the world, because in addition to its artistic history, only masterpieces have been presented in its stage ever since its inauguration”.


Contact us to check conditions & availability info@m-rtours.com  or    +54 114951 5968


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Buenos Aires

Arrival to Ezeiza International Airport.
Buenos Aires is a complex, energetic, and seductive port city, which stretches south-to-north along the Rio de la Plata; it has been the gateway to Argentina for centuries. Porteños, as the people of Buenos Aires are known, possess an elaborated and rich cultural identity. They value their European heritage highly, and the lifestyle and architecture are markedly more European than any other in South America. But the city has also spawned its own art forms, notably the tango, for which Buenos Aires is famous.
Private transfer to Alvear Palace Hotel one of the top 10 hotels in the world.
Overnight at Alvear Palace Hotel

Breakfast at Hotel
This morning, you will be able to acknowledge the elapsing of time in space discovering Outstanding Buenos Aires on a 3 hours City Tour. Architecture, museums, sculptures, history… Colonial, Renaissance, Baroque, Neoclassic, Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Modern, International… Buenos Aires is a city with style. Puerto Madero, Plaza de Mayo, Av. de Mayo, The National Congress Building, Avenida Corrientes ,The Obelisk, El Ateneo Bookstore, Floralis Generica, Recoleta Cultural Center, Nuestra Señora del Pilar Basilica, Cemetery of la Recoleta, Caminito Street, La Boca and more…much more…
Overnight at Alvear Palace Hotel

Breakafast at Hotel
Free Day to Enjoy the City
Evening Tango Show & Dinner at Magnificent Tango Porteño.
Tango Porteño recovers that spirit crystallized in a unique place. Magically it recreates the best and most transcendental time ever in the history of tango framed within a luxurious building of those days that used to be a movie theater of the Metro Goldwyn Meyer. The old and beloved Metro, just a few steps away from the Obelisk today becomes Tango Porteño, a place blending the most refined environment and pure golden days’ deco with great artists, unbeatable productions, and first class cuisine paying home to the represented time. It could not be otherwise because Tango Porteño is the image of Buenos Aires, the “City of Tango.”
Overnight at Alvear Palace Hotel

Breakfast at Hotel followed by transfer to International airport.


Contact us to check conditions & availability info@m-rtours.com  or  +54 114951 5968

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Ushuaia, the end of the world

Ushuaia is placed in front of the Beagle channel and surrounded by the Martial Mountains, it is the southernmost city of the world.The combination of mountains, forest and sea turn it in a unique city of Argentina. An irregular topography imprints a picturesque appearance, adding the colorful houses made mainly of wood and corrugated iron. It is surrounded by a series of Natural Protected Areas as The Tierra del Fuego National Park, Playa Larga, Tierra Mayor, etc, and is the most active gateway to Antarctica. It is the southernmost urban area in the world, a source of inspiration and challenges, land of myths and legends made up for centuries, even for those who have never been to the south of the south.

Tierra del Fuego National Park
Cruises to Antarctica, the Falkland Islands, or to the Chilean fjords often stopover in Ushuaia, Argentina for the day. Although exploring the touristy town can be interesting, it is recommended a day trip to nearby Tierra del Fuego National Park.

Located in southwestern Tierra del Fuego province, over the borderline with Chile, this National Park is the southernmost example of the Andean – Patagonian forest. It was created in 1960 and has a surface of 63.000 hectares.
In this area the final part of the Andes features a northwest – southeast orientation. The peaks alternate with valleys where there are rivers and glacial originated lakes. Two types of forests predominate here: those of Lenga and Guindo trees, with an open underwood mainly consisting of moss and fern. In the spaces within the forests there is plenty of peat in very humid, flooded areas where the sphagnum moss grows.
On the sea shore, the two great bays (Lapataia and Ensenada) deploy in gorges and beaches that are full of white cauquenes. There are also black eyebrowed albatross (over two meters long) who cohabit with the steam duck and the diving petrel. There is also a rare kind of otter named chungungo.
Other species are the guanaco and a particular Tierra del Fuego variety of red fox.

The Park possesses many excursion trails, some of them: Pampa Alt

a Trail, Costera Trail, and Las Lengas Trail, paths that allow you to reach the bay areas of the park and the hills, from which you can see the beautiful view of the Beagle Channel and the mountain chain of Tierra del Fuego.
Parts of the two main lakes, the Fagnano and the Roca, and other minor ones, sprinkle into the park area, which also embraces a stretch of the Olivia, Pipo, and Roca rivers. These rivers flow into the waters of Lake Roca in the Lapataia Bay. 

The train of the End of the World is another of Ushuaia attractions.
An elegant and antique formation of heated wagons, with wide windows and pulled by a steam locomotive, will take you along an 8 Km. long tour departing from the End of World Station up to the Tierra del Fuego National Park Station. The round trip total time is approximately of 1 hour 40 minutes.
Most of the way you will go bordering River Pipo. You will see a reconstruction of a yámana settlement (aborigines of the region), when you enter into a dense and beautiful wood of cohiues and lengas it will mean you are already inside the National Park.



Beagle Channel Navigation
When you begin to get away from the bay, you will have a better glimpse of the portrait of the shore: the Museum of the End of the World, the Marítimo and, behind the hamlet, the majestic Mounts Olivia, Cinco Hermanos and Escarpados.
Later you will approach Casco Island, to watch a colony of imperial shags and terns. From that point onwards, the route across the Beagle Channel starts heading towards the Bridges Islands, so-called by the first pioneer in Ushuaia, who named the nearby islets after his daughters. On Alicia Island, you will find imperial shags once again and South American sea lions.


You will pass towards Les Eclaireurs Lighthouse nestled inside the archipelago bearing the same name. Due to its location, this is the southernmost Argentinean lighthouse. Very close, lie some remains of the Monte Cervantes boat, which sank in 1930. Your tour continues towards Isla de los Lobos (Sea Lions’ Island) dwelled by these mammals, which will pry around the boat.
On the way back, the boat passes by other islands where rock and imperial shags flutter about in the company of albatross and petrels, among other sea bird species.




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Iguassu Falls

Argentinean Side of Iguassu Falls

Visitors first arrive to the NewVisitorsCenterwhere they  walk the Nature´s Interpretation Center.

Devil’s Gorge
From the Visitors Center you can board the train that goes up to Garganta Station in about 18 minutes. Then a walk along the catwalks, Some 1200 meters over the islands, take you to enjoy the most spectacular sight from the most important balcony: the Devil’s Gorge where you have a spectacular view of the falls, one million litres of water per second right in front of you. Time required: two (2) hours.

Iguassu Falls

Upper Circuit:   The 800 meters of catwalks are detached from

the jungle´s surface so as to protect the fauna by preventing disruption of their natural trails.
From this circuit you have an upper view of the falls, enjoying their magnificence with a panoramic view.  The upper falls trail takes visitors across catwalks that cross over several of the falls and allow visitors to look over the edges and watch the water fall to the rocks below.  Duration  of the tour: one (1) hour.

 Lower Circuit: 1.600 meters of catwalks, also detached from the jungle’s surface, enjoying a view from below and around the falls. This circuit provides a unique experience of feeling part of the natural surroundings, watching and sensing their magnitude from close. The lower falls trail allows visitors to get up closer to the falls and delivers some of the best views of the falls.  Lower Circuit Iguassu Falls

Duration of the tour: two (2) hours.


The Brazilian Park complements the tour.

The Visitors Center has an excellent infrastructure with exhibits of Iguassu Falls photographs, a souvenir shop, toilets, medical emergency center, Park entrance ticket sale, bank and so on.

After passing through the Center, the visit continue, now inside the National Park, along a paved road that will take us to the magnificent Iguassu Falls.
There starts the walking tour along the catwalk measuring one kilometer of easy walking. Along this easy trek, there are several gorgeous panoramic views of the Falls and at the end of the catwalk a fantastic close-up encounter with the Devils’ Throat and main falls.

The tour ends at the upper part of Iguassu Falls accessed through a panoramic elevator; from there, the visitors will follow a track to as far as the Espaço Porto Canoas (The Port Canoas Space), where you will find a pleasurable lookout point with a view to the upper Iguassu River. The Port Canoas Space also has the Porto Canoas Restaurant and snack bars, handicraft shop, toilets and a medical first aid outpost. Some degree of difficulty, the path includes many stairs. Duration: 2 hours


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Salta: Northern Argentina

Salta, which is probably the town with the largest number of colonial remains in the whole country. The life in Salta treasures some of the rhythm of centuries ago. People live with no rush and the “siesta” (nap) remains in use.
The tourist circuit of the city of Salta is usually accomplished with a stroll across the centre of the city, allowed for by the short distances between the historical monuments. You must not neglect a visit to the Cerro San Bernardo Hill and behold from its crest the extraordinary panorama of the city. By day or night it constitutes a real spectacle in itself.


Calchaquíes Valleys

This immense extension of land including the provinces of Catamarca, Tucumán, and Salta offers a marvelous landscape, winding roads, and coloured hillsides. In each of the small villages lying in the valleys, our ancestors seem to have left their traces engraved on the rocks.

Located at 1,660 m above sea level, Cafayate is well known because of its famous torrontes wine product of the exquisite combination of temperature and humidity that provides the ideal environment to the growth of the sweet and deep fruit flavor. Winner of various gold and silver medals in international competitions, the bodegas produces also other types: cabernet, chardonnay, malbec, but to name a few.
Getting to know Cafayate’s streets, its houses and mainly its people is a pleasant experience due to the fact that tourism is an important activity for the town.

You cannot miss to observe the unique architecture of the Cathedral, the flowery main square, the picturesque stone mill or the wine museums.

Among other interesting excursions, you can visit wine cellars, taste wines, and get to know colorful Las Conchas gorge or go for a stroll among Quilmes ruins while enjoying the outstanding waterfalls of Colorado River or Santa Teresita Hill.



Humahuaca Gore & Salt Flats
Declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2003, the Humahuaca Gorge is a vast, multi-coloured valley in the Andes. The towns in the valley preserve the legacy of the area’s original settlers and the Spanish conquistadors after them. This is reflected in the local architecture, archeological digs, music, food, festivals and handcrafts.


The highlights of this zone are:

Purmamarca: Located at the foot of the famous Cerro de los Siete Colores (Seven Coloured Hill), this is one of Jujuy’s most picturesque towns. Don’t miss the Santa Rosa de Lima church, the Paseo de los Colorados walk and the archeological site at Huachichocana.

Tilcara: the archeology capital of Jujuy and one of the most frequented tourist destinations in the Northwest. Explore this beautiful town by bike, horse or llama and visit the Pucará de Tilcara pre-hispanic fort. Tilcara hosts a vibrant carnival and a festival in honour of Mother Nature.

Humahuaca: starting point for visiting the Humahuaca Gorge, main access point to the Puna steppe and home to the Coctaca ruins. In the Summer, Humahuaca comes to life for eight days of solid Carnival.



Iruya: surrounded by breathtaking scenery, this traditional mountain village in the province of Salta is a great spot for viewing condors. Visit the Titiconte ruins and have lunch with the indigenous families of San Isidro and San Juan.Salinas Grandes (Salt Flats): occupying 212 Km² of the Puna area between the provinces of Jujuy and Salta, the Salinas Grandes are considered to be the third largest salt flats in the world. At 3500masl, they are one of the absolute highlights of Northern Argentina. For most of the year they are bright white in colour. When it rains and the salt plains are covered with water, they turn turquoise.





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Buenos Aires for romance

Buenos Aires Tips!Porteño

Buenos Aires has always been famous for its incredible cultural offer.
Cinemas, theatres and shows provide an unlimited variety of options for entertainment. Like every big city, Buenos Aires has a thriving theater scene. The ‘Broadway’ of Buenos Aires is the section of Avenida Corrientes that’s between Avenida 9 de Julio and Callao. Most of the city’s 40-odd theaters are located here. Dramas, musical comedies, “teatro de revistas” (a sort of revue), and tango shows, are some of the proposals for all ages, all year round.
Both cinema and theatre represent two very important activities for the porteños. Currently, there are about 175 theatres, 200 cinemas and many Tango Shows.
Tango has been exported to the world, but many enthusiasts in other countries move mountains to come here, to the acknowledged beating heart of tango, to learn from the masters!

 The city of Buenos Aires holds more than 3,500 restaurants, ranging from the most sophisticated traditional and ethnic restaurants to bars, pubs and international chains of fast food restaurants.

The classical parrillas offering Argentine roasted meat abound, even in the sidewalks. Buenos Aires is just the place to taste all kinds of meals from different countries of the world. Corrientes avenue is the ideal place to taste an excellent pizza. Dining in Buenos Aires is an art, a passion, and a pastime. Sobremesa (chatting over wine or coffee long after the table has been cleared) is as much of an event as the meal itself.

Estancias, or ranches, play a huge part in Argentina’s culture and economy. In the early days these establishments were responsible for making Argentina one of the biggest meat and grain producers in world. Dotted around the vast, flat pampa we find delightful old estancias, which continue to retain their colonial elegance and charm. Perfectly juxtaposed with the cosmopolitan Buenos Aires, the estancias offer a chance to step back in time and imagine life as it was generations ago. Here one can relax, ride, watch the gauchos at work and enjoy an authentic – unbeatable Argentinian barbecue.
Estancias also give tourists the rare opportunity to stay as a guest at a working estancia in order to experience the unique gaucho ranch culture in a tranquil and beautiful setting of untamed countryside. Most estancias are over two hundred years old and still maintain traditional practices and values.

Buenos Aires is a city characterized by the multiplicity of its artistic expressions, ranging from the great assortment of sculptures and monuments to streets and corners that surprise the visitor with their allegorical reliefs and murals.

The classical buildings in Buenos Aires are a mix of architectural styles (particularly French and Italian), as you would expect in a city of immigrants. Many of them were built during the boom years of 1880 to 1920, which means that many of them are built in the neoclassical style that was popular around the world at that time..

Of course the architecture in Buenos Aires isn’t all classical. There are art nouveau and art deco buildings too, dilapidated colonial houses in San Telmo, colorful shacks around La Boca’s Caminito and gleaming towers in Puerto Madero. They’re all part of the mix.

Buenos Aires has a flourishing book industry, one of the most competitive in Latin America, owing to the amount of books published every year as well as to the quality of the publicationsThat is why Buenos Aires is one of the cities concentrating more bookstores. Often referred to as ciudad de libros (city of books), Buenos Aires has a rich literary history and culture that inspires residents and visitors alike to explore the shelves of its charming bookstores.

For those who admire or collect pieces of art there are wonderful galleries and art museums where works by Argentine and foreign artists may be admired. There is a great variety of museums. At present, there are more than 100 museums, both public and private.


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Romantic Mendoza Argentina

DAY 01: Arrival Day & City TourDSC04705
Your host will meet you at Mendoza Airport and will transfer you to your hotel to check in. After that your host picks you up from your hotel and we will visit the main plazas; Independencia, Plaza España and Plaza San Martín. Next we visit the San Martin Park and its lake. At the top end of the park we ascend Cerro de la Gloria (Glory Hill) crowned by a magnificent statue of San Martin and his Liberation Army, erected on top of and around the sides of a natural rock plinth it really is one of the worlds most powerful and complex bronze sculptures, executed by the well known Uruguayan sculptor Ferrari, with help from four Italian sculptors nearly one hundred years ago. On the way up the hill we will see the Greek Theater Frank Romero Day where the harvest festival is celebrated every year. Then we see the Civic Centre, where many of the Provinces government offices are located. After the tour we transfer you to your hotel.

Overnight Casa Glebinias LodgeDSC04754

DAY 02: Full Day Wine Tour Lujan de Cuyo Region (B/L)
We pick you up from your hotel in the morning and head for the vineyards of Luján de Cuyo, in the heart of Mendoza Wine Country. Our English-speaking guide will escort you around three wineries. First we take you to Achaval Ferrer Winery. In 1998 they fulfilled a dream by founding Achaval Ferrer based on two sound principles: the search for the quality in all of their products and respects for the terroir. The Achaval Ferrer team interpreted that Argentina’s quality potential could be pushed to levels in line with the extreme personality of its soils. Next stop is Finca Decero Winery. This new kid on the block makes a refreshing visit and a chance to see a dream become reality. Opened in 2007, it’s a new single vineyard estate winery with a natural style that embraces modern ideas. Friendly and open to visitors, they have a special Barrels Tour that includes tank and barrel tastings. We finish the day at Piattelli Winery. The Piattelli’s were one of the many Italian families that arrived from their country in search of a “land of promise”. The winery is surrounded by the Piattelli Vineyards and it has been constructed in a Tuscan style, in order to honor the origin of their founders. After the tour you will enjoy an incredible gourmet lunch at the Piattelli restaurant. We return to your hotel at approx. 5.00pm

Overnight Casa Glebinias LodgeDSC04765

DAY 03: Full Day Wine Tour Maipú Region (B/L)
Our Guide will pick you up at the morning at your hotel and head for the vineyards of Maipú. Our English-speaking guide will escort you around two wineries. First we take you to Carinae Boutique Winery. This bodega is receiving a lot of buzz. Owned and run by a very friendly and low-key French couple, Brigitte and Philippe Subra, it’s a true boutique bodega. Their latest vintages -mostly Malbec, with smaller quantities of Syrah and cabernet sauvignon- have far exceeded any expectations for what was considered a small, unpretentious family project. Next stop is Tempus Alba Winery. This winery is located in the First Zone Wine of Argentina lying on the Cordon del Plata where the landscape is already a privilege. Winery where technological development innovation and enhance the character and tradition of their vines, inviting enjoy both its products and your style.


The name reveals the hopes and daily commitment of those who have made it a place to realize dreams. We finish the day at Familia Zuccardi Winery. They are a family company founded in 1963 by Engineer Alberto Zuccardi. In those times, he began planting vines in Maipú, experimenting with an irrigation system of his own creation based on a method used in California. In addition to the winery the visitor can enjoy comfortable spaces and enjoy a fantastic lunch at Zuccardi´s Restaurant called Casa de Visitante. We finish the day at approx. 6.00pm

Overnight Casa Glebinias Lodge

DAY 04: High Mountain Tour & Aconcagua Park (B/L)

Your host picks you up at 8.30 am and you will enjoy a scenic drive to the highest mountains in America.


Leaving the city along the National route 7, our trip begins at Lujan de Cuyo. Soon after, following the route you will leave the countryside behind in order to enter the pre-mountain range area. The first stop will be in Potrerillos, a small mountain town, with weekend residences belonging to the inhabitants of Mendoza. There is also an unbeatable view of the Potrerillos dam which forms a breathtaking artificial lake. The following section of the route leads to Uspallata, framed by mountainous landscapes with changing colours, filled with various geological formations and many tunnels on the road. The trip continues towards several other small mountain towns, Polvaredas, Punta de Vacas, Penitentes, until you reach Puente del Inca, a natural bridge where Las Cuevas river has drilled into the mountains forming this incredible natural attraction. Close to the border, a wonderful viewpoint allows us to see the Aconcagua Mt, which stands at 6,962 meters (22,841 feet) above sea level. On the way back we will stop at Uspallata where you can enjoy a lunch. Return to your hotel at approx 7.00pm.

Overnight Casa Glebinias Lodge

DAY 05: Cooking Class at Domaine Bousquet Winery (Uco Valley Region) (B/L)

cooking class mdz

UcoValley is one of the most interesting and stunning areas to enjoy a wine tour in Mendoza. Situated in the foothills of the Andes, this new frontier in Argentine winemaking is attracting winemakers from all over the world. We pick you up at from your hotel and we take you to Andeluna Winery, an austere minimalist and tall brick-walled building is the house of Andeluna Cellars.

A wide and comfortable high- roofed reception room with full length windows overlooking the majestic landscape welcomes the visitors and invites them to dive into comfortable armchairs to enjoy the house produce paired with their own wines. Next stop, Domaine Bousquet Winery, here you will participate in an interactive culinary lesson with a nice view of the Andes. We return to your hotel at approx. 6.00pm.

Overnight Casa Glebinias Lodge
DAY 06: Departure Day

Our host will meet your at your hotel and will transfer to Mendoza Airport


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Iguazu for Romantic Couples

Arrival at Iguassu Airport and Private Transfer to Hotel 

Iguassu Falls are located at the border with Brazil and Argentina. The Iguazú Falls are the highlight of the Argentine/Brazilian rainforest. The falls are the widest and most imposing water falls on Earth. Their name in the native tongue, guaraní, means Big Waters and this is, undoubtedly, the perfect name for them.

Excursion to Argentinean Falls
Today you will enjoy a panoramic view of the Falls during a walking tour through the passages that connect the different observation points for a panoramic view of the falls framed by a myriad of rainbows.
You will visit the Garganta del Diablo, meaning the ‘Devil’s Throat’. As a result of the many falls and the inevitable curtain of mist, there are often numerous rainbows. Walk along the Upper and Lower Catwalks that allow a close look at the falls and ride an open train departing from the Visitor Center to make the journey up to ‘Garganta Station’ to watch, after a 1,200 meter walk up to the Devil’s Throat balcony, one of the greatest shows on earth. Return by train to the Visitor Center.

Overnight at Loi Suites Hotel

Breakfast at Hotel
Free  Morning to Enjoy Spa treatments or a Yoga Sesion at Hotel

Afternoon Excursion to Brazilian  Falls.
In the afternoon tour by bus from the Visitor Centre to the Brazilian Falls. Macuco is the first bus stop: a short trail that runs across the rainforest into a 25 mts waterfall: the Macuco Fall. After Macuco the bus goes 1 km stopping at diverse observation posts that offer sights of the Falls. Iguassu falls are the greatest waterfalls in the world, situated on the borders of Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay in South America. The falls consist of 275 cascades spread nearly 2 miles including the famous ‘Devil’s Throat’.
Overnight at Loi Suites Hotel

Breakfast at Hotel
Enjoy a pool morning today.

This Afternoon Enjoy Iguazú Forest Experience
The excursion to Iguazú Forest is a special program developed for the discovery of ecotourism and adventure tourism, where the activities offer the visitor first hand contact with nature.
The excursion takes 4 hours, includes bilingual in english guide and the activities developed are: light trekking, rappelling and canopying. The vehicles are adjusted to allow a close up look of the jungle.

The Site:
It is situated at 7 km from  Puerto Iguazu City and 15 km from the Iguazu Falls, on the shores of the Parana river, international border between Argentina and Paraguay. 

Activities developed:
Canopying: The platforms are set on the top of the highest trees, and the adventurer slides from one tree to the next hanging with harnesses from a strong steel cable. This is the canopying, a new form of enjoying nature with airborne adrenalin as the main character. 
The platforms heights vary from 15 to 25 meters along 800 meters of thrill.
Hiking the jungle:
Following trails though the jungle, recognizing species of the flora (strangling trees, parasite plants, tilandsias, orchids, palms, etc) and fauna. The circuit is 900 meters long.   
Wet Rappelling: Under close supervision of the instructors, wearing climbing gear, we do the wet rappell down a 14 meters fall or dry rappel down a 20 meters tall cliff.

Overnight at Loi Suites Hotel  

After breakfast you will be transferred to the airport

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